Sylvia Earle!
I had a brush with science royalty this afternoon and I simply had to brag a little. I am not only lucky to work at the Monterey Bay Aquarium but I'm also lucky to work right next door to the Hopkins Marine Lab (part of Stanford University) so you know there's always all kinds of big-wigs wandering through the 'hood. Well today, maybe one of the biggest wigs of marine science and conservation gave a lecture-- Sylvia Earle. Think of her as the female Jacques Cousteau. It was an epic opportunity to actually hear her speak in person (we were in the second row!) and I left the talk with a renewed sense of appreciation for what I do everyday and what I've dedicated my life to. One of the things that she said really struck me, "Heaven is doing what you love." Amen sistuh, amen. Go check out all the amazing things that Sylvia has done and her ridiculously inspiring TED talk.
Fresno? Fres-yes!
I spent a lovely Easter holiday with friends in Fresno. I was expecting warm, sunny weather but the reality was just as nice. I took this picture while sitting on a great, big rock overlooking a piece of forest in King's Canyon (I think more specifically we were in Giant Sequoia National Park but don't quote me). This wasn't my first time seeing snow, but it was my first time going sledding (yes, I was without-a-doubt terrified). Hope you all had a spectacular holiday too!
Earth Day!
Well, this year Earth Day kinda crept up on me-- I actually almost forgot about it all together! But I found this website in the nick of time and I submitted my Earth Day pledge yesterday. So, starting tomorrow (Earth Day) I will not buy any plastic products for an entire week. Now, it may sound like I'm low-balling my pledge with just a measly week. But think about it, everything comes packaged in plastic these days. A few of my favorite products are guilty of this crime-- goat cheese, sour cream, cookies, taquitos (how random is this list?!). If you don't have any plans for this Earth Day (or even if you do), visit the One Billion Acts of Green website and you can pledge to keep away from plastic with me, or make a pledge of your own. Happy Earth Day!
Ten things I know to be true...
- My dog is definitely the most beautiful dog in the entire world.
- Reading a good book makes me feel invisible.
- Live music and poetry continuously restore my faith in humanity.
- Even though it's just another organ, I've felt my heart break.
- Nobody loves me more than my mom.
- Cracking creme brulee makes me giggle.
- Someday, someone I love will tell me, "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."
- The more men I date, the more I love my dog.
- My little sister has the sweetest voice I've ever heard.
- For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), it's always our self we find in the sea.
Music for your Monday
The Kings of Convenience are my new fave band and this video is just too darn cute.
video via design is mine
A Worthy Adventure
I can't help but feel supremely jealous of fellow blogger, Sara Bayles who is currently in Chile and about to embark on an exciting (and most worthy) mission. Sara and her hubbie have joined The 5 Gyres Institute on a research expedition from Chile to Tahiti (seriously, how awesome does that sound?!). They are studying the effects of plastic on plankton, and I'm sure that this study will shed some light on how truly serious this problem is becoming (or more likely, already is). You can follow their adventure (and see their fantastic photos) on Sara's blog and you can also donate to the mission (they still haven't reached their fundraising goal). What a ridiculously amazing thing to do!
images via the daily ocean

I need an excuse to throw a party so that I can decorate my apartment with all these amazing banners from Confetti System. I mean, who wouldn't want to hang a giant, gold thingy from there ceiling?
images via the selby
Kindred Spirits
I was expecting to look like this during ballet class this morning but I actually managed to stay upright most of the time. Even though my arabesque needs a lot more work, I wasn't half bad and I really really enjoyed the class. I'm going shopping this weekend for proper ballet attire. Huzzah!
uber cute video via dash it all
Going green!
So my ultimate goal this weekend is to head on over to a local nursery and stock up on plants for my apartment. I'm not exactly known for my green thumb (it's more of a darkish-gray) but I'm going to give it a go. I'm getting indoor plants as well as some plants for my balcony. I have big plans for the forestification (I may have just made this word up) of my balcony so that Suki and I can spend warm afternoons lounging in the sun, sipping on margaritas (me, not Suki) and enjoying a good book or magazine. I know I'm terrible at this but I will try to post some pictures of my green project. Happy weekend to you all!
top images via elepantine (i love these ecoforms pots) and bottom image via inhabitat
A new endeavor
Despite the fact that I'm one of the clumsiest people on Earth, I lose my balance at the slightest touch, and I get dizzy when looking from the floor to the ceiling (seriously though, I have to look really slowly); I've decided to sign up for ballet classes. I haven't taken a ballet class since way back in Kinder, but after obsessively watching The Nutcracker ballet this past year (did you know that the Ovation channel shows The Nutcracker 24/7 during the holidays?!), I figured, Why the heck not? Hopefully my next post won't be describing how I broke a body part for the first time in my life. Wish me luck!
image via snippet and ink
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